How to Add a Terminal

Add a terminal

Support Team

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

User can add a new terminal by following the steps given below.

Steps to add a new terminal: 

1. Go to Configure menu and click on Terminals sub menu link.

2. From the Terminals list page, click on Add New Terminal button.

3. In the New Terminal page, fill the details for the new terminal.

4. Click on Add New Terminal button.
The newly added terminal will be displayed in the terminal list page and the code status field will show the time remaining for the new added terminal to expire.

Editing and Deleting the Terminal

The newly added terminal can be edited by clicking on Edit button. After making the changes in the edit terminal page, changes can be saved by clicking on Save button.

By clicking on the Delete button, user can remove the terminal from the Biyo Point of Sales application.

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