How to Create a Sales Order

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Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

In Biyo Point of Sales application, a new sales order can be created by following the steps below.

Steps to create a new sales order:

1. After successfully logging into the application, click on the menu Orders and then click on the sub menu Sales Orders. 

2. From the Sales Order List page, click on the New Order button to create a new sales order.

3. In the Add New Order page, fill the order details. Editing a Sales Order

We can edit an order that is either in open or hold status. To edit the order, follow the steps below:

4. User can add a new order item by clicking on the Add Item button.

5. After entering the order items, click on the Checkout button.

6. Click on any of the available payment methods, i.e., Cash/Account/Check.

Editing a Sales Order

We can edit an order that is either in open or hold status. To edit the order, follow the steps below:

Steps to Edit a Sales Order:

1. From the Order List page, click on the order number of an order whose status is open/hold.

2. From the Order details screen, click on Edit button. 

3. After making the necessary changes to the order, user can click on Checkout button to complete the checkout process or keep the order open by clicking on Leave as Open button.

4. User can also cancel the order by clicking on Cancel Order button or hold the order by clicking on Hold Order button.

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